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White Cloud Community Library

Homework and Research Sites


Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
Choose a grade level then look around for information on how the U.S. government works.


Merriam-Webster Online
How do you spell that word? And what does it mean? Try this famous dictionary and thesaurus for help.

Resources for Writers - the OWL Handouts
Grammar, spelling, parts of speech, and more.
Study guides for English literature.


United Nations
Information about the United Nations, global issues, and information about UN member countries/states.

Encyclopedia of Greek Mythology
Huge resource for Greek Mythology.


American Memory
Historic photograph collections of United State's history.
Hundreds of resources about American History

The American Civil War Home Page
Civil War resources including battles, biographies, medicine and more.

Civil War

Civil War Maps
Search for maps by location, subject or alphabetically.

Gettysburg Address
See a copy of the original Gettysburg Address writing by Abraham Lincoln and read about how it was written.

U. S. National Archives and Records
Get primary source documents for American history.

Mr. Dowling's History Passport
Links to information on counties, culture and history.


Thousands of pages of resources on astronomy, planets, comets, astronauts and new discoveries of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.